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Chemistry And Physics of Fire

Basics of Fire and Dangers

Overview of Fire and the Properties of Combustion:

First Responders have many responsibilities but none more common than medical or trauma. The ability to provide emergency medical care due to serious illness or injury is the focus of first responders that will provide immediate care to patients. All First Responders have some level of first aid training, from Certified First Responder to Paramedic.  We will discuss the different types of medical and trauma emergencies; the different types of aid that is provided; the equipment available; and the current technological devices used during EMS calls. The children will also understand and practice different methods of basic first aid and how and when it is best used.
We will expose children to the technology that has helped in the past with medical and trauma emergencies and the equipment currently being used. They will also have the opportunity to see some of the technology currently aiding the EMS service and peek into the future of the coming technology. They will see how STEAM is an integral part of the EMS service and the future.  
We hope to inspire the next generation to start thinking and creating the next technological advances for a safer world.

Training Goal:

The goal of this STEAM learning course is to develop and test a framework for establishing a first responder perspective as it relates to medical and trauma emergencies. We will cover many, but not limited to the following:
Types of Medical Emergencies; Trauma Emergencies; First Aid Basics; Medical/Trauma Equipment; Data Analysis and Collection; and Devices Used to Identify Different Types of Data.

Training Specific Aims:

1. Establish a general understanding of medical and trauma; 

2. Create and test a basic understanding of the different methods to assist patients in all capacities during and EMS call;

3.  Discuss and showcase the some of technological devices currently used to assist during medical/trauma emergencies and some that are coming in the near future;

4. Give the children a hands on experience with some of the equipment and technology available to responders when dealing with fire.

Anticipated Impact:

Through the course of this lesson plan, we want the children to have a basic understanding of fires and its properties. It will also advance their understanding of the tools and technology first responders have readily available to assist with fires. The children will learn how they can be responsible and respect the dangers of fire. Finally they will have a greater Understanding of the STEAM foundation needed to be a first responder in the fire service. 


Technology advances to make the world safer, it introduces new methods that will assist in fire emergencies

Chemistry and Physics

The combustion of materials are dependent on many factors to complete the fire cycle

Fire Safety

The importance of fire safety begins at the earliest stages of our lives. The moment we can talk and walk we can become an important cog in the steps to mitigating a fire emergency.